Fluency Apps these apps are great for station work. All of the apps here have students practicing math facts (addition and subtraction).
Mad Minute iOS Mad Minute Android : I have students do the Mad Minute 3x before moving on to any other Math apps. Make sure you pick appropriate levels for your grade. I have students write their missed facts on 1/3 index cards and put it in a ziploc bag called their Fact Fluency bag. They can bring these to small group instruction and you can see what they are missing.
Math Duel HD Math Duel Android : Play one or two players. Players have settings you can put on an index card so they keep the settings you want. Add, subtract, multiply, and divide with this app. You can choose the highest number for the answer and even if you want more than one term in their number sentence.
HyperBlast, Math Zombies, Math Monsters Bingo: These fun and engaging games are not only “arcade” style games, but also increase student fluency. They want to beat their previous scores and start to compete with themselves. AMAZING.
10 Frame Fill, Quick Images, and Number Rack: These three apps work on fluency using 10 frames, 5 frames, 20 frames, dot cards, rekenreks, etc. I introduce these apps in small group instruction and then students can work on these things in stations.
Practice Apps these apps are great for all types of instruction (stations, small group, and whole class). These apps practice various skills that aren’t related to fluency.
Numbers, Pizza Fractions, Todo Math, BT Number Board LITE, Bills&Coins, Coins, CyberChase Shape Quest, Concentration: All these apps are pretty self explanatory. However, they cover things like skip counting, 2D and 3D shapes, Fractions, and Money. I have tons of apps for reviewing practice skills and I will add more and more to this blog.
Whole and Small Group Instruction these apps are great for introducing concepts and using with small group instruction. If you are like me, you are always looking for the right manipulative so let’s go VIRTUAL!! :)
Geometry and Fractions - Geoboard, Pattern Blocks & Fractions by Braining Camp
Place Value (Base 10 Blocks) - Number Pieces (This version has a ruler for beginning number line) Number Pieces Basic (just base ten with different colors - NO RULER)
Number Lines - Number Lines by BrainingCamp is amazing you can set the number line start and exit, the steps, etc. NOT FREE 99¢
Number Rack - You have got to get on board the Rekenrek train! :) Learn more here: What’s a rekenrek? All these amazing games you can play with these virtual manipulatives.
Challenge Apps these apps are great for higher level learners. Think of those students that are fast math learners and are always finished. Have them grab and iPad and get started on challenging puzzles. It’s okay if there are two or more students on an iPad. If you notice students rushing through their work just to get an iPad, change your approach and talk to that student.
Numbler FREE (like scrabble but with equations - really stretches the thinking), Pick a Path and Deep Sea Duel by NCTM.
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